The Partnership Project of CreditBPO and DTI-NCRO
Lia Francisco Lia Francisco

The Partnership Project of CreditBPO and DTI-NCRO

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between Lia Francisco, CEO/Founder of CreditBPO Tech Inc. and Marcelina S. Alcantara, Regional Director of Department of Trade and Industry-National Capital Regional Office (DTI-NCRO) in order to finalize the partnership project between CreditBPO and DTI-NCRO. Officials by both companies witnessed the event. CreditBPO and DTI-NCRO have decided to jointly plan and implement events and programs that support Small & Medium Enterprises ("SMEs").

CreditBPO and DTI-NCRO held the virtual signing to document their partnership. Here, Ms. Francisco and Ms. Alcantara first displayed the first page of the signed MOA.

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The Shipping and Logistics Industry: How Technology is Enabling Business to Thrive
Procurement Management Lia Francisco Procurement Management Lia Francisco

The Shipping and Logistics Industry: How Technology is Enabling Business to Thrive

A shipping and logistics company is responsible for the transportation of goods from one place to another. This can include anything from raw materials used in manufacturing to finished products that are ready for retail.

The shipping and logistics industry has always been an important part of the global economy, critical to the growth of any economy. And it's only becoming more important as our world becomes increasingly connected. The efficient and timely movement of goods and materials is essential for the production and distribution of products and services….

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Contractor Accreditation: How Important Is It In The Philippine Construction Industry?

Contractor Accreditation: How Important Is It In The Philippine Construction Industry?

The Philippine construction industry is one of the most vibrant in the world. It is constantly in need of new talent and new ideas, and there are plenty of opportunities for those who are looking to get into the business. However, in order to be successful in this industry, it is important to understand the current state of affairs. In this article, we will discuss contractor accreditation and its importance in the Philippine construction industry.

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